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SettleMint Paves the Way for enterprise to build on zero knowledge blockchain technologies with support of Polygon zkEVM

SettleMint now supports Polygon zkEVM, to bring cutting-edge zero knowledge blockchain solutions for enterprise

SettleMint - Blockchain Transformation made easy

The integration of Polygon zkEVM on SettleMint’s Platform will open the doors for enterprises to tap into the potential of zero-knowledge technology to build cutting edge blockchain applications.
— Jordi Baylina - Polygon Co-Founder
LEUVEN, BELGIUM, February 26, 2024 / -- SettleMint, the leading Blockchain Transformation Company, today announced the support of Polygon zkEVM into its revolutionary Blockchain Transformation platform. This collaboration signifies a major leap forward in enhancing accessibility and capabilities for blockchain application developers in enterprise.

The inclusion of Polygon zkEVM opens doors for enterprises to seamlessly build applications that connect to the Polygon and wider EVM ecosystem. SettleMint's platform now provides comprehensive tools for developing full stack applications on Polygon zkEVM, allowing enterprises to set up their archive nodes and interact directly with the blockchain within minutes. They also get all the tools needed to build any use case on the roadmap, together with access to a vast array of users, wallets, and capital held in the Polygon ecosystem, all while ensuring the utmost security for their assets.

The zero knowledge cryptography behind the technology ensures security guarantees between the Ethereum mainnet and Polygon zkEVM, making it an ideal layer 2 blockchain solution for enterprise. Furthermore, Polygon zkEVM optimizes storage costs and transaction times, offering significant cost savings, a critical factor for enterprises venturing into or expanding within the blockchain domain.

Matthew Van Niekerk, CEO and Co-Founder of SettleMint, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We are thrilled to provide access to Polygon zkEVM through SettleMint’s Blockchain Transformation Platform and to further strengthen our continued relationship with Polygon Labs. This latest update provides the foundation for successful blockchain transformation with Polygon’s cutting-edge zero knowledge technology."

A notable highlight of the Polygon zkEVM support in the SettleMint Blockchain Transformation Platform is EVM compatibility, enabling engineers to seamlessly continue their development efforts without the need for retooling and retraining. Developers can work within a familiar environment, eliminating the learning curve associated with new smart contract languages and streamlining the development process.

The intuitive “click and deploy” nature of the SettleMint Blockchain Transformation platform allows businesses to focus on their use case, building end-to-end enterprise-grade applications without the complexities of network setup and maintenance. The emphasis is on optimizing ROI from use cases, allowing enterprises concentrate on what truly matters – their business.

“The integration of Polygon zkEVM on SettleMint’s Blockchain Transformation Platform will open the doors for enterprises to tap into the potential of zero-knowledge technology to build cutting edge blockchain applications,” says Polygon Cofounder, Jordi Baylina.

The introduction of Polygon zkEVM to the SettleMint Blockchain Transformation platform is a significant milestone in blockchain adoption for enterprise. This strategic alliance offers an optimal blend of accessibility, security, and efficiency, empowering enterprises to unlock the full potential of blockchain technology effortlessly. As we embark on this new era, SettleMint and Polygon zkEVM lead the way, guiding enterprises into the future of blockchain transformation.

To learn how your business can start building enterprise-grade applications on Polygon zkEVM using SettleMint’s Blockchain Transformation platform, request a demo on

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